2011 North West Bankstown European Heritage Assessment Report. An early subdivision in north west Bankstown. ArchitecturalLocalSydney - WesternHeritage AssessmentResearch Authors: Dr Sue Rosen and Mr Nick Jackson Client: Bankstown City Council Heritage Assessment of nominated properties in Sefton and Chester Hill. Bankstown City Council is currently preparing Local Area Plans (LAPs) to identify the specific changes and improvements required for the suburbs in the LGA as part of its long term planning. The objectives of this assessment are to: Identify if there are any significant items; Prepare Statements of heritage significance and appropriate recommendations for protection/interpretation for identified significant items Identify if items should be listed as of State or local significance Consider Council's existing thematic history and identify if there area any other sites of potential heritage significance that warrant further investigation. The recommendations are to inform the preparation of the Local Area Plan and controls for the LEP and DCP