2019 Thompson Square Windsor Aboriginal Connections Oral History Thomas Watling’s early 1790s depiction of Karrada (Carradah) ‘who exchanged names with Captain Ball.’ The notation on the back of the portrait says that he was a Boo-roo-bee-rungal. Which indicates that he was from Windsor-South Creek area, rather than Cammeraygal, as has been claimed. [Natural History Museum Benard Smith & Alwyne Wheeler (eds), The Art of the First Fleet, Oxford University Press, Australia, 1988, p.65] Aboriginal History & CultureSocial HistoryInterpretationLandscapeSydney - WesternSydney SurroundsOral HistoryCommunity Consultation Oral Historian: Dr Sue Rosen Client: Wolfpeak for RMS Consulted with the Windsor Aboriginal Community to identify informants and undertook interviews with community members re: their connection to the Hawkesbury, Windsor and Thompson for Windsor Bridge interpretation project.